Espace Jeunes et Choubert Astrel vous souhaitent Joyeux Noel 2016 et Bonne Année 2017

Publié le 25 Décembre 2016

Merry Christmas and a very,Very,Very Happy new year to everyne


We want to wish you the Merry Christmas on this chilly winter's day!

We hope that you are wrapped up warm, with those that mean the most to you on this wonderful holiday day, celebrating the joy of Christmas.

May your home be warm and toasty, full of joy and happiness, we wish you health, prosperity and all good things!

We are sending you our love and best wishes this Christmas Day.

Thinking of you, today and always,

Espace Jeunes love you.
Adm Choubert Astrel

Rédigé par Espace Jeunes

Publié dans #Souhaits

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